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Implemented in
  • C (2)
  • Perl (5)
  • Python (9)
  • sh, bash, ksh, tcsh and other shells (8)
  • Development Library (2)
  • Documentation (3)
  • Plugin (2)
  • Program (26)
Software Development
  • Debian (2)
  • Libraries (2)
  • Packaging (4)
  • Revision Control (18)
User Interface
  • Command Line (12)
  • Daemon (3)
  • Graphical User Interface (2)
  • Text-based Interactive (2)
  • X Window System (2)
Works with
  • Files (4)
  • Source Code (7)
  • Version control system (15)

About 70 results for git:

1: 42%
2: 34%
3: 33%
4: 30%
5: 30%
6: 28%
7: 28%
8: 28%
9: 27%
10: 27%
11: 27%
12: 26%
13: 26%
14: 26%
15: 25%
16: 25%
17: 24%
18: 23%
19: 23%
20: 23%

Copyright © 2011-2013 Enrico Zini <>. See license terms. Source code is available.

Debtags is part of Debian.

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